Thursday, February 5, 2009

January 09

January has been slow - which is good. Here are some pics of the Reinhards hanging out - literally. Dan had Maddie in the carrier, and Abby wanted to try it. Yep, she still fits.

We had an ice day a few weeks ago. Dan and Abby built a "fort". Lots of static in that fort.

Maddie is growing up so fast. She is 10 1/2 months old. Here are some of the things she can do: wave, shake her head (they learn "no" quickly), play peek-a-boo, and pull up on furniture and cruise. She can sign "more", "finished", and "water". She has one syllable "words" for bottle (this was her first word), bye, and more. She's learning "dog" right now. What happened to "Mama" and "Dada"? She loves eating, but prefers her finger foods to being fed with a spoon. We tried asparagus tonight and it was a hit!
Abby is growing cuter and sweeter by the day! We were talking about the rain the other day. Of course, she was asking "why", "why", "why"? I told her that God made it rain because the lakes and rivers were thirsty. After a moment, she asked, "they have mouths?"
She is so positive. We asked her the other day if her ice cream was good. Rather than yes, she said, "it's great!". She then told us later that evening that she was going to have a WONDERFUL day tomorrow. She is so sweet. (Most of the time) :)


Carrie said...

Your sweet family is ADORABLE....the only way to spend an Ice day is in a Fort!

Brad said...

Can't wait to hang with the crew tomorrow..

Scott-n-Allena said...

I think Abby is sweet ALL of the time! ;o)